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Understanding Autism at St Bartholomew's 

At St Bartholomew's, we embrace diversity and are dedicated to ensuring that every child feels valued, understood, and supported in their learning journey. One of the ways we provide this support is by helping children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) thrive in our school community. Autism is a spectrum condition, which means it can affect children in different ways and to varying degrees. By understanding autism and working together, we can ensure that each child reaches their full potential.


What is Autism?
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental condition that affects how a child thinks, interacts with others, and experiences the world around them. Autism is a spectrum, meaning that each child is unique and may experience different strengths and challenges.

Some children with autism might:

  • Find it difficult to communicate or understand social cues, such as body language or facial expressions.
  • Prefer routines and may feel unsettled when routines change unexpectedly.
  • Have intense interests in specific subjects or activities.
  • Find it challenging to manage sensory experiences, such as bright lights, loud noises, or certain textures.
  • Struggle with transitions or changes in their environment, including moving from one activity to another.

It's important to remember that autism is not a condition that limits a child’s potential. Many children with autism have incredible talents, creativity, and unique perspectives. Our goal is to provide the right support so that each child can succeed in their own way.


Please see below to find some useful resources to support children with Autism. 
