Our School Saints
Our school, our classes, and all the rooms children use for their lessons are named after Saints. We are proud to be a school where we ask for the intercession of many men and women who are an example for us of holiness and joy. The children prepare their Class Mass as close as possible to the feast day of their class Saint and it is always a special day for the pupils in that class.
Our houses are also named after Saints.
If you want to know more about Catholic Saints, follow these links:
Our School Saints:
St Bartholomew - Patron of the school
EYFS and KS1
St Bernadette
St Clare
St Peter
St Paul
St George
St Josephine
St Martin de Porres
St Theresa
St Andrew
St Patrick
St David
Other classrooms:
St Anne - SEND Room
St Cecilia - Music Room
St Catherine - Intervention Room
St Bartholomew - Library
St Francis - SENDCo Room
Mercy (St. Faustina Kowalska)