Our Catholic Life
Our Head boy took it upon himself to make his own crib representing the Nativity scene. Thank you for sharing your incredible work with us Joseph!
Travelling Nativity: During Advent our younger children have the opportunity to take home one of our Travelling Cribs. Inside there is a crib with nativity figures, a storybook and a special prayer for the children to share with their families. We hope you enjoy sharing this special time as a family and welcome feedback and photos.
Carols in the Community. On Wednesday 11th December, our Year 3 and Year 4 classes went to spread the joy of Christmas with our elderly neighbours. They sang at three residential homes and had a wonderful time
St Bartholomew's in the Community
The work of CRiBS supports the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development of children and young people as we seek to inspire Growing Faith and promote Living Values.
Our desire is that all children have the opportunity to explore and think through the values they live by and the beliefs that underpin them.
Our starting point is that the Christian story provides a compelling framework for doing this in a way that includes people of all backgrounds and provides space for growth and exploration.
We work closely with CRIBS through providing the opportunity for our girls and boys to get social and emotional support individually or in groups. CRIBS also perform a Christmas and Easter play for all the school and work with Year 6 preparing them for Secondary School.