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Fundraising is a key part of our Christian mission. At St Bartholomew's we raise funds for those in need locally and internationally

A representative from Swanley Foodbank came to visit us to explain why people may need to use the foodbank , how it works and where the children's donations go. She linked everything she told us to our Catholic Social Teaching principles

Every year, on World Mental Health Day, we wear yellow and raise money for the good work that Young Minds does for children and young people's mental health

Bethany Kids 

We reached out to our parents and asked them if they were associated with any international charity that would benefit from our help and a parent suggested Bethany Kids. We looked into it and it is a charity that completely reflects the values and ethos we hold here at St Bartholomew's School. The charity does amazing work to train doctors to work with children in areas in Africa where there is little access to healthcare. We are so excited to have begun working with this fantastic charity and cannot wait to get to know the children in Joytown Primary School in Nairobi.



Lent Fundraising Homework

Lent Art Fundraising Event for Bethany Kids

During harvest time, we collect food and other supplies for our local Food Bank

Letter of Thanks

Poppy Appeal. Every November, the children in Year 6 sell poppy related items in school to raise money for The Royal British Legion
