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School Mission Statement


       We Serve The Lord With Joy as One School, One Family



Our mission at St. Bartholomew's Catholic Primary School is to create a joyful Christian environment which caters for the individual academic, social and spiritual needs of each child within a caring school family in which  all individuals are valued and respected as much for their differences as for their similarities.

We promote values and attitudes of the highest standard which allow each child to reach their full potential.

We strive to develop children's interests and talents and to equip each child with the tools they need for the future. 

 The dignity and value of our children is at the centre of everything we do 


Our curriculum drivers, Independence, Dignity, Experience, Aspiration, Joy, reinforce our mission across all subjects



    Our School Mission Song

    Still image for this video

    Children's Expressions of our Mission

    St. Bartholomew’s exists to:

    • Encourage the spiritual and moral development of all pupils by helping each child to develop their relationship with God through prayer and worship
    • Ensure each child knows they are made in the image and likeness of God and they are loved by God 
    • Forge meaningful links with the parish, home and community
    • Expose the children to a wide variety of experiences
    • Ensure that National Curriculum educational standards are achieved
    • Foster the intellectual, creative and physical capacity of each child
    • Work in an positive atmosphere of praise and encouragement
    • Prepare children to adapt to demands of a changing world, show respect for others and equip them for their future life
    • Encourage children to be independent and aspirational
    • Work in partnership with parents and carers for the benefit of the children

    School Rules. Our school rules were decided by our children and staff
