School Logo

St. Josephine

Welcome to St Josephine's Class Page

Term 5: Monday 15th April - Friday 24th May


Tuesday 16th April - Swimming Lessons start

Monday 22nd April - Earth Day

Friday 26th April - Crazy Hair/Odd Socks Day

Wednesday 1st May - Cinema Evening

Monday 6th May - BANK HOLIDAY

Thursday 9th May - Whole School Mass for the Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord

Friday 24th May - Crowning of Mary






Class Email:




  • Homework is handed out on Fridays and due in the following Wednesday. 


  • Spellings are handed out with their homework and they will be tested the following Friday. 


  •  PE lessons take place on a Thursday. Please remember that you are now allowed to come to school wearing your kit on your PE day. 


  • Please make sure all clothing items are clearly labelled with your child's name, this includes PE Kits.


  • A reusable water bottle should be named and brought into school daily for your child. 


  • Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) should be used at every opportunity. Being able to fluently recall times table facts is extremely important! We are going to be using TTRS daily in class and it would be great if you could use it at home as well.


  • Purple Mash, TTRS and My Maths passwords have been given out - please see the front of your child's planner for their log in details. Please continue to explore these wonderful resources. Homework may sometimes be set via the above, so please keep passwords safe. 


House Captains 






School Council












Digital Leaders




Language Leaders



Links to Key Learning Websites:
