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St. Theresa

Welcome to St Theresa's Class Page







Term 6


Monday 3rd June - Inset day

Tuesday 4th June - Back to school

W/C 10th June - Official multiplication test

W/C 24th June - Heritage week

Saturday 29th June - PA Summer Fayre

W/C 8th July - Sports week


Wednesday 10th July - Sports day

Wednesday 17th July - Y6 Leavers' Mass/End of Year Mass

Thursday 18th July - Transition day & reports out to parents

Tuesday 23rd July - Break up for summer at 1:30pm



Please take a moment to read the notices below as well as the term dates above. 

Do make sure to check this page regularly to see any updates.


Mrs Moran & Mrs Marsh




  • Our P.E lesson is timetabled for Wednesday afternoon. Please remember you are now allowed to come to school wearing your kit on your PE day.  All P.E items should be named clearly.
  • Please remember to bring in your named water bottle each day.
  • Children have been allocated a reader day - they need to bring their reading book in on that day.  They will read with myself or Mrs Marsh and their book will be changed then too if required.  Reader days are posted in the documents below. 
  • Times Table Rock Stars - knowing your times tables is essential for so much of the work you will complete in Year 4 and beyond.  Keep your skills fresh by practising as often as you can.
  • Homework is given out on Friday and is expected back on Tuesday.
  • Class email address



St Theresa House Captains

Becket: Ksenia

Savio: Freddie

Fisher: Aleksandra

Mercy: Zachary


St Theresa School Councillors

Tiwa & Frankie


St Theresa Class Chaplains

Olivia M & Philip


St Theresa Digital Leaders

Cecile & Karthik


St Theresa Eco Warriors

Olivia B & James H


St Theresa Language Leaders

Lena & Alan T


St Theresa Attendance Leaders

Leah & Tsai



Curriculum Overview Term 6

How to use MyMaths

Still image for this video
Hi everyone!
Here is a reminder video from Miss Hughes for how to access MyMaths.
Your log in details have attached to you reading records along with your Bug Club, Purple Mash and TTRS log in codes.

Our Euro 24 sweepstake winner - Well done Zach, well done Spain!

Our final activity of Sports Week was a warm-up for the whole of KS2, delivered by our fabulous fencing coach. What a brilliant, sporty week we've enjoyed!

Sports Week continued today as we had an archery lesson. It was great fun - we even tried to make pizzas! Ask us about it.

Today, to begin our Sports Week, our class had an Olympic themed session with Grace from Fit4All. It was really fun and we learned lots. Ask us to share with you the Latin phrase we learned that means 'Faster, Higher, Stronger!'

Today we had our final trip of the year. We went to Shorne Woods for some team-building exercises that included den building, stick whittling, fire making, smore cooking and geocaching. We had great weather and great experiences all day!

Today we watched our wonderful choir and musicians present to us an amazing concert. Many of the talented performers are in our class. Well done you guys, we're really proud of you!

We've been busy making Seawigs, as we're reading Oliver and the Seawigs. Here are our wonderful creations!

Today marked the end of Heritage Week in school, we were invited to come in wearing clothes from our Heritage. Our class was lucky enough to have two guest speakers to share their Heritage and expertise of Poland and the Philippines. A huge thank you to both of you. Ask us about our day!

Today we were lucky enough to have a visit from a Police Officer and a PCSO. They brought all their tools with them and let us have a go with many of them. We were able to set the siren going on the car, we were able to dress us and some of us were even handcuffed! Ask us about it.

Our completed mini Mondrians. What a fabulous job we all did!

Today we re-enacted the parable of The Lost Sheep. We know that if we take the wrong path and get lost, we can ask for God's forgiveness and he will give it to us.

Our mini Mondrian's are taking shape...

In science we have been busy exploring pitch by making our own panpipes. We found out that the longer the straw, the lower the pitch and the shorter the straw, the higher the pitch. Check out our wonderful instruments!

We've been very busy learning very creatively lately! In geography, we explored and recreated the structure of the earth, ask us about all the layers!

Our latest Kindness Cup winner - well done Jacob!

As our Catholic social teaching focus has been stewardship and we celebrated Earth day this week - today we went litter picking in the community. We had so much fun but were super busy and collected more than 3 bin bags full of litter (mainly from the streets). If everyone just did their bit...what a beautiful world we'd live in!

Today we emulated Charlotte, the wonder spider, by weaving a web of our own!

Easter bonnet day today - Hermon & Maya were our winners but everyone that participated did an AMAZING job! Well done all!

Look who we had a visit from...And we got an EGGcellent gift!!!

Our latest Kindness Cup winner. Check our this week's Newsletter to find our why. Well done Leah!

The result of our latest TTRS battle. Prepare to be amazed! Well done to everyone who participated.

Today we had a very special assembly with the Music Man! He showed us, and played for us, various different brass and woodwind instruments. Ask us about it!

Today was World Book Day, so we all dressed up as our favourite book characters. We started the day with a fun assembly and had a book swap during the day!

This week, we had the incredible experience of going to the theatre to see an amazing production of Jesus Christ Superstar. We had a brilliant time and were totally captivated by the entire experience!

Today we came back to school and had a really important workshop - how to stay safe online. Ask us about it!

At the end of term 3, we made Pictish standing stones with our names written using the Ogham alphabet. We're really proud of how they turned out!

Our Maths today needed us to investigate the perimeter of rectangles. What better place to start than outside on the netball court!

Today we investigated which muscles we use during various activities. In our predictions, most of us thought our biceps, triceps, quads and hamstrings were the only muscles involved. After completing the activities, we realised many, many more were involved!

Today we were lucky enough to have a visit from Dr Anna. She came in to help us deepen our learning about muscles, bones and movement - linking with our Science topic. We learned A LOT! Thank you Dr Anna, we are most grateful.

This week in French, we celebrated Epiphany with the French tradition. It is called La fête des Rois (The festival of the Kings). We eat a special cake called la galette. The youngest child in your family (or class) sits under the table and chooses who has each piece. If you find la fève (the bean/charm) in your piece of galette you become le roi (the King) or la reine (the Queen) for the day!

Straight back into the New year with a science experiment. Does thigh circumference relate to how far we can jump? Ask us if it does.

Singing Carols in the Playground - after having to reschedule due to good old British weather, we finally sang our hearts out! Year 4 you were AMAZING, I'm super proud of each and every one of you!

Today, we sang 'Carols in the Community' as we went to sing for the residents of Birchwood Heights, a local care home for the elderly. We really enjoyed singing for the residents and they very much enjoyed hosting us. They were super impressed with our singing!

Our finished mosaic tiles, coming to a home near you soon..!

Today we made our own interpretations of Roman mosaic tiles using some clay for the base and some little mosaic tiles to create our pattern. We planned our design in our sketchbook and then brought our plans to life...

Ian from Kent road safety came to see us today to remind us how to be safe pedestrians. The main message was Be safe, be seen as well as Stop, Look, Listen, Think, Hold hands!

We became actors today when we had our Cyber-bullying workshop. We learned a lot and were invited to act out and freeze frame scenarios. Ask us about them!

Today we had fun investigating area - we covered so many things in post-it notes! It was great fun and we learned a lot too. :-)

Today we began creating our Roman shields. They are coming together nicely!

Today we held our CONFIDENCE day, we all came into school wearing clothes that make us feel AMAZING! We strutted our stuff, like models do, around the classroom and then shared with our classmates why these particular clothes make us feel so special. I am incredibly PROUD of all of you for doing such a brilliant job. Well done!
