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St. Patrick

 Welcome to St. Patrick's Class Page

Term 6

Ends on Tuesday 23rd July @ 1:30




How are we in the final term already?! This term will be filled with transition activities, lots of outside learning opportunities and FUN after an extremely hardworking term last term. We are really excited to end our brilliant year with an exciting term. Don't forget to keep an eye on the photos and talk to us about what we are learning.


Thank you,


Mrs Smith and Mr Gosling๐Ÿ™‚

St Patrick's Class Information 

  • Initially, homework will be set weekly on a Thursday and due back before the following Tuesday. This will move to a daily basis depending on topic and lesson as the year progresses.

  • PE lessons take place on a WEDNESDAY this term. Full PE kit must be worn to school on this day. 

  • Please make sure all clothing items are clearly labelled with your child's name, this includes PE Kits.
  • A reusable water bottle should be named and brought into school daily for your child.
  • Please ensure your child is regularly reading at home. 
  • Times Tables Rock Stars to be used at every opportunity. Being able to fluently recall times table facts is extremely important!
  • Remember to make good use of Purple Mash, EdShed and MyMaths at home regularly.


Photos will be added throughout the year so you can see all the fun activities we get up to as a class.


Mrs Smith and Mr Gosling


Roles and Responsibilities


Head Boy and Head Girl

Head Boy: Arran (Deputy: Caleb)

Head Girl: Eliceanne (Deputy: Esme)

School Council



House Captains

Becket:  Jacob 

Savio: Dewey 

Fisher: Alina

Mercy:  Jai-Leigh




Digital Leaders



Eco Warriors



Language Leaders




Gary - Our class pet

Residential Meeting


Key Dates – Last Term




3rd June



4th June

Science Day


5th June

Road Safety Workshop – 9.45am


6th June

First Aid Course – 9am

(Year 6 only)

12th June

Transition with CRIBS – morning only 

(Year 6 only)


13th June

Graduoke – morning only

(Year 6 only)

17th June

Assessment Week


19th June – 21st June

Residential – leave at 9am


24th June

Heritage Week – all week


27th June

Circus Day – TBC


28th June

Own Clothes Day – all day


29th June

Summer Fayre 12-4pm


4th and 5th July

Secondary school Transition – all day

(information from each school to follow)


5th July

Music concert to parents - 10am


8th July

Sports Week – all week


10th July

Sports Day - afternoon


12th July

Leaver’s Prom – evening


15th July

Swanley Park – TBC

(Year 6 only)

17th July

Leaver’s Mass 9.15am


18th July

Transition Morning (Year 5 only)

Reports Home – after school

19th July

Celebration Day – all day


22nd July

Leaver’s Assembly 10.30am


23rd July




Heritage Day was brilliant - we loved spending time with our buddies this afternoon and learning about different cultures and traditions

Year 6 First Aid course - Thank you to BLUE LIGHT FIRST AIDERS for coming in and providing a wonderful training session

Thank you so much to the Easter Bunny and the PA for our Easter gifts!

We had some guests appear during our Feel Good Friday today - Happy St Patrick's Day everyone!

Happy St Patrick's Day

Still image for this video

Thank you so much to Miss Day who gave us our first MAKATON lesson - it was brilliant!

Cross Country trials resulted in our class having 6 out of 8 competitors! Well done

Celebrating Epiphany the French way

Christmas Jumper day - we've had the best time and even met Father Christmas!

We had the best time performing in our Christmas French lesson today - Thank you Madame Ives

Pizza Making - Thank you to the members of our class who suggested it for our class enrichment this term - We had the best time!
