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St. Peter



Welcome to St Peter's Class Page...



Term 5


Dates for your diary

Monday 15th April - term begins 

Friday 26th April - crazy hair / odd sock day - donation of cakes

Tuesday 30th April - KS1 movie night 

Thursday 16th May - school trip

Friday 24th May - last day of term and own clothes day






Message for St Peter's Class ...



Hello St Peter's class, 

Welcome to Year 1 Class Page. You can find all the exciting things Year 1 will be doing this year on this page. Have a fantastic time learning in Year 1.


From Mrs Kaszycka and Mrs Medhurst laugh

Our Class Email Address:

If you have any questions please speak to us on the gate or send an email to the class email address below:



Homework is given out on Fridays and is due back on the following Wednesday. 


Reading at home is extremely important. Books are changed weekly. Please make sure that you write a comment in their reading books so we know they need to be changed!


PE is on Fridays so please ensure children have their PE kits in school (clearly labelled). Children will come home in their PE kits.



MyMaths, Purple Mash and Numbots are fabulous resources where we will also be setting occasional homework. Please see the front of your child's reading record for their log in details!


Please remember to label all items of clothing, including everything in the PE kit, blazers and coats. Please check regularly that your child's name is on their jumper or cardigan, as names fade in the wash  - Thank you.


Please ensure that your child brings a suitable coat into school everyday. Our learning may take place outside so your child will need to be suitable dressed. Welly boots would be greatly appreciated during the autumn and winter months so please send these to school in a named plastic bag.


Photos will be added throughout the year so you can see some of the things we have been doing in class!


We look forward to a fabulous year of learning in Year 1!


Mrs Kaszycka and Mrs Medhurst smiley


House captains


Mercy -  Michelle A.

Savio - Igor

Fisher - Ovin

Beckett - Billie-Sue


School council












Digital Leaders












Language Leader




World Sleep Day

World Book Day - so many fantastic characters arrived in St Peter’s class today. We enjoyed visiting Swanley Library.

Road Safety Workshop- ask us about it!

We enjoyed our enrichment day – HOW PLANES FLY. We had so much fun making our own paper aeroplanes, experimenting with the shape and size of the wings. Then, we had a competition to see whose plane was the most efficient and well made to fly the farthest. We wondered how aeroplanes fly and pilots from Easy Jet explained that an aeroplane is just like a metal bird but bigger. Each plane needs to have wings, an engine, air and changing the force of the air to fly. Each child created a UK passport and Flight Boarding Pass choosing a place of destination. Some of us decided to fly to Nigeria, Spain or Poland. Furthermore, our classroom was changed into an international airport where we were waiting for our aeroplane watching a film ‘Planes’ and buying sweets from the Duty-free Shop.

Our lovely bears and fantastic rabbits

We had so much fun planting tulips.

Polar Express Day- we had so much fun! We enjoyed decorating Christmas cookies!

We had a lovely time doing our Christmas Play- Born in a Barn.

In St Peter’s Class- We Remember!

Our super trip to Swanley Park. We had a lovely time looking for seasonal changes. We collected some acorns, conkers, leaves and then we had so much fun creating our Autumn bouquets.

Today, we discussed the differences between the humans and the robots linking to our book ‘The Robot and the Bluebird’. We also talked about: What can robots do that humans can’t’? and inversely, ‘What can humans do that robots can’t? We discussed the importance for humans of eating the right amounts of different types of food and identified healthy and unhealthy food. The children gave reasons why humans need to exercise. We also used our senses and enjoyed tasting the different kind of fruit and we discussed the reasons for everyone to eat a wide variety of vegetables and fruit.

Please have a look at our fantastic robots!
