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St. Bernadette



Welcome to St Bernadette's Home Page







Tuesday 4th June - Tuesday 23rd July 1.30pm finish


Some important dates:

Thursday 20th June - Paraliturgy 9.15

Saturday 29th June - Summer Fayre

Wednesday 10th July - Sports Day


Dear St Bernadette's class

We hope you have had a great half term. We cannot believe we are now entering the last term of this school year. It is going to be a very busy and fun term and we are going to carry on working very hard. Please see below for our termly overview so you know what we will be learning. Here is to an amazing last term of Reception!


Mrs Hopkins, Mrs Dhanjal, Mrs Riley

Sports Week

The children had a great week of sports. They enjoyed some archery, Fit4All Olympic special, Sports Day and some fencing. It was fantastic watching the children step out of their comfort zone and try their best. They showed great enthusiasm and resilience.

Visit from the community police

This term started very well with our trip to Kent Life farm. We were very lucky with the weather and we all had a fantastic time. The children behaved impeccably and enjoyed all the activities offered though the packed lunch was definitely the favourite part! Thank you to the parents who accompanied us, it is much appreciated.

Term 5

Monday 15th April - Friday 24th May

Welcome back St Bernadette's class!

We hope you all have had a wonderful and restful Easter break! We are looking forward to an exciting Summer Term.


Mrs Hopkins, Mrs Dhanjal and Mrs Allen


Dates for your diary

Monday 15th April - Term begins 

Friday 26th April - crazy hair / odd sock day - donation of cakes

Tuesday 30th April - EYFS/KS1 Movie night 

Thursday 9th May - Whole school Mass

Friday 17th May - St Bernadette's and St Clare's exercise day, children to come dressed in gym clothing

Friday 24th May - Last day of term and own clothes day


Term 4

Monday 19th February - Thursday 28th March


Dear St Bernadette's class!

Welcome back after what we hope was a fantastic and relaxing half-term. We hope you are ready to carry on doing amazing learning. We are half way through the year so let's make it count!


Mrs Hopkins, Mrs Dhanjal and Mrs Allen


Dates for your diary

Monday 19th February - Children return to school

Monday 19th February - Online Safety Workshop

Monday 26th February - Road Safety workshop

Monday 26th February - Movie night 

Thursday 7th March - World Book Day

Thursday 21st March - Para liturgy in the Church 10am 

Thursday 28th March - Last day of term, school finishes at 1.30pm


Spring Term 1 


Wednesday 3rd January - Back to school

Thursday 8th February - Last day of term - break up normal time


Welcome back and a very happy New Year to you all. We hope that you had a wonderful break with your friends and families. We are ready for another amazing term with all the children and are looking forward to a lot of hard work and lots of fun.


Please remember:

  • Our PE lesson is timetabled for Tuesday morning. Children should now come to school on Tuesdays in full, labelled PE kit.
  • Remember to bring in your named water bottle every day.
  • Don't forget to bring in your reading book and reading record on your allocated day so you can change your book. 
  • class email

Phase 3 sounds taught in Reception Spring 1

This Phase 3 sounds taught in Reception Spring 1.

Autumn Term 2

Tuesday 31st October - Friday 15th December 1.30 finish


Important date: Nativity performances will be on Monday 4th December at 10am and 2pm. 

Our Diwali celebrations. We learned about Diwali and the Festival of Lights. We tried some food and made some diyas (lamps). It was a lot of fun.

Autumn 2 Curriculum Overview

Autumn Term 1 in pictures


Here is a little glimpse of what we were up to in the Autumn 1 Term. Children enjoyed playing and learning in the field. We had amazing music and PE lessons and we did lots of learning and making friends in class.

Trip to Swanley Library

Headteacher stickers Friday 6th October


Gabrielle: for showing great kindness towards the other children in her class and helping them out when they need it.

Alessia: for being a great role model for the class.

Balys: for being a very caring member of our class.


School council - Micah and Alessia

Language leaders - Balys and Sophia

Chaplains - Isabella and Bailey

Eco-warriors - Theodor and Harry

Attendance officers - Elora and Fiola

Digital leaders - Jacob and Arwen

Term 1

Monday 4th September - Friday 20th October

Hello St Bernadette's class!

We hope you all have had a wonderful summer holiday and we are looking forward to hearing all about it when you return to school. We are very excited to be sharing this year with you all.


Mrs Hopkins and Mrs Dhanjal


Dates for your diary

Monday 4th September - back to school

Friday 20th October - last day of term




Please make sure all clothing items are clearly labelled with your child's name.

A reusable water bottle should be named and brought into school daily for your child.

Our PE day is on Tuesday, from Summer 2 children will come home in their PE kits.



The EYFS Team

St Bernadette Class- Mrs Hopkins and Mrs Dhanjal

St Clare Class- Mrs Hurley and Mrs Blayney


Here at St Bartholomew's, the staff and children are really proud of our Early Years Foundation Stage and love coming to school to learn.


Learning in  Reception is a balance of child-initiated play and adult led sessions. We believe that this leads to the best levels of progress and well-being for our children, and we ensure this is achieved by building on the children’s interests, motivation and developmental stage.   We teach Phonics, Maths and Literacy daily in short sessions on the carpet. The remainder of the day is mainly self-directed, with children leading their learning through play and adults responding in order to move learning forward.


The Reception classrooms are organised to allow children to explore and learn securely, safely and independently. There are spaces where the children can be active and areas where they can be quiet. The classrooms are set up to enable children to independently find and locate equipment and resources to aid their learning in whichever way possible.
