International Work At St Bart's
La Chandeleur (Candlemas) en France 2 février.
St Patrick's class have been discussing how to protect our environment with their Pen Pals. Here are some of the fabulous replies from France.
St Theresa's class received these wonderful letters from their Pen Pals.
We have been celebrating the French Epiphany in class. The youngest member of the class sits under the table and the King or Queen in each class was chosen.
Merry Christmas, Joyeux Noël, Buon Natale
Here are some of our Christmas greetings we sent to our pen pals in France
We have been listening to French instructions on how to draw a Christmas Elf, un lutin de Noël.
Christmas Nativity play with Year 6 (with French scripts!)
Some of our work celebrating winter and the month of December.
We have been learning about Remembrance day in France. In England we wear a poppy (un coquelicot) and in France we wear a cornflower (un bleuet), to remember the people who bravely fought in the wars and also those who died. The poppy and the cornflower were the first wild flowers to grow on the battlefields when WW1 ended.
We wrote to our pen pals telling them what we do to protect our environment and we asked them what they do.
Here are some of our pen pal letters.
KS1 singing the song L'enfant de Paix, Child of Peace, in a whole school celebration assembly. They have been learning this song in class.

Presenting the Peace Poster winners with their certificates, in a whole school celebration assembly. Well done to everyone who took part, we had some amazing entries.
Peace, what it means to us.
At St Bart’s, we celebrated the International Day of Languages. All children were invited to participate in our whole school homework and create posters illustrating the theme of ‘Languages for Peace'. Peace is a cornerstone of our faith and is one of the seven Catholic Social Teaching principles. Jesus is sometimes called the Prince of Peace and peace is something very much needed in our world at the moment.
Our Language Leaders explained to the whole school about a very special homework to make a poster about peace. Here are some of the amazing posters.
We have been learning and writing Japanese numbers and some Japanese words.
We had a very special visitor. Hanna is a student from Japan. We learnt about Japan and how to write Japanese numbers. Hanna also made an origami crane - these are a symbol for peace!
The whole school have been learning about Japan. We have been looking at the culture, the geography, the language and we did some Maths. We learnt many interesting facts, please take a look at the PowerPoint that was shown in class.
When the Euro football championships started, classes had a sweepstake on who would end up winning the tournament. As we now know, Spain were the winners. The lucky ones who picked Spain are below. Well done all!
This week classes have been playing traditional French games in the field in their lessons. They played 1, 2, 3 Soleil, Quelle heure est-il M. Loup ? Vieille Maman and Pétanque.
Here are some of our lovely letters to our Pen Pals in France!
Wonderful Pen Pal Letters from France - March 2024
Here is a wonderful piece of art, from our partner school in France, wishing us all a Happy New Year 2024!
Celebrating International Mother Language Day 2024!
Celebrating Chinese New Year 2024!
In French this week, Year 1-6 have celebrated Epiphany with the French tradition. It is called La fête des Rois (The festival of the Kings). We eat a special cake called la galette. The youngest child in your family (or class) sits under the table and chooses who has each piece. If you find la fève (the bean/charm) in your piece of galette you become le roi (the King) or la reine (the Queen) for the day!
Mosaic inspired by Miss Flower's International Club!
International School Award
We are very proud to have been awarded the International School Award.
The International School Award presentation was hosted by Scott McDonald, Chief Executive of the British Council 20 March 2023 at The Houses of Parliament, in recognition of St Bartholomew's international work and our fantastic French teacher Madame Ives collected it on our behalf.
"St Bartholomew's Catholic Primary School has successfully met the criteria for Accreditation for the International School Award. You have a very active partnership with a French school and have arranged a variety of excellent collaborative activities that will have created such enthusiasm for language learning in your pupils. You have also allowed your pupils with non-English mother languages to celebrate their diversity, which is very creditable. As you develop your international curriculum, you might consider introducing some opportunities for your pupils to learn about global issues, such as climate change and plastic pollution, and then for the pupils to take action. Sometimes a pupil committee can prove an effective way to get both pupils and their parents engaged. You might also consider introducing activities related to international calendar events, such as Fairtrade Fortnight or World Water Day. Such activities will allow your pupils to develop all aspects of their global citizenship, as well as their language learning. Well done and congratulations on the great international work that you have integrated into your school."
International School Award
International and Language Policy
Our pen-pal letters to France - December 2023!
We loved performing a French Christmas play - Thank you Madame Ives for all your hard work
Here are some of our Pen Pal letters from France - November 2023
Celebrating European Day of Languages 2023
Protecting the Environment
Various work completed over the past few months ... Penpal letters to our penpals in France; Celebrating Mardi Gras and Using the French and Japanese alphabets
Mother Language Day Research Results
Some more Mother Tongue Day celebrations
Mother Tongue day - today we celebrated our mother tongue languages and shared some of our home languages in class 😃
Here are some of our pen pal letters from France. We love receiving them.
Learning about Epiphany celebrations in French. The celebration in France is called La fête des Rois (The festival of the Kings).
Epiphanie 6 janvier
The celebration in France is called La fête des Rois (The festival of the Kings).
The special cake we eat is called la galette.
The youngest child in your family (or class) sits under the table and chooses who has each piece.
If you find la fève (the bean/charm) in your piece of galette you become le roi (the King) or la reine (the Queen) for the day!
Key Stage 2 were following la Coupe du Monde last term.
The winner with the country L’Argentine won a medal and held up the trophy.
St Theresa's Epiphany and World Cup Celebrations
St Martin’s Epiphany and World Cup Celebrations
6 janvier - St Josephine's celebrated the 'Epiphanie' in class and also found out the winner of our sweepstake for La Coupe Du Monde
La Coupe Du Monde 2022
News Article - November 2022
All Saints Day
KS2 have been writing to their pen-pals in France ...
European Day of Languages 26 septembre 2022
Remembering Queen Elizabeth II Around The World
International Work at St Bart's....
Year 3 enjoying a Stone Age story, written in French and read by our very talented, French speaking friend!
French Playground Games - Quelle heure est-il M Loup ? 1,2,3 soleil, Le facteur, Vieille Maman and Pétanque
Our International Assembly showing different Easter celebrations around the world
Chinese New Year
Easter Poems
Partner School Easter Presentation
Please click the link below to see some super Maya Work in St Andrew's Class!
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Click link below to see some pictures from:
- Heritage Week 2021
- World Book Day 2022
French at St Bartholomew's...