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Inclusion at St. Bartholomew's Catholic Primary School


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Co-Ordinator:

Miss C Day


Contact details:

Email: -

Phone : - 01322 663119 (dial option 2)


SEND Teaching Assistants:

Mrs R Beard

Mrs J Sharp

Mrs I Andrews

Kent Educational Psychology Service - Emotional Based School Avoidance

Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy - Advice Line.


If you have any concerns about your child and would like some advice, please read below. 


I would like to share the details of an advice line that be been set up by the Children’s Therapy Team for Swanley, Dartford and Gravesham:

“Our Advice Line is for parents and professionals who want advice from an Speech and Language Therapist, a Physiotherapist or an Occupational Therapist about any child not currently known to the Kent Children’s Therapies service.  Our clinicians are able to provide you with advice, sign-posting to further information, or we may recommend a referral for a fuller assessment.


The Advice Line is a great way to get some immediate advice from a therapist.”


The Advice Line is open on 0300 790 6235, Mondays, Wednesdays & Thursdays between the following hours:

  • Speech and Language Therapy – 10.00-12.30 and 13.30-15.30
  • Occupational Therapy/Physiotherapy – 9.30-12.00 OR 14.00-16.30


Press option 1 to speak to the Admin Team – they will connect you to the SLT, OT or Physiotherapist working on the Advice Line that day.
