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Assemblies are an integral part of school life at St Bartholomew's. They are opportunities for our children to learn, celebrate and pray all together and essentially, to feel part of our school family. Assemblies give the chance for children to develop their confidence through public speaking and leadership. Our pupils often take an active role in planning and leading parts of an assembly. 

We have three main assemblies every week and additional ones for special occasions or visitors. 

Monday: Whole School Assembly 

Wednesday: Key Stage Hymn Practices

Friday: Whole School Celebration Assembly

Monday Assemblies

Every Monday, our whole school assembly is always about an aspect of our faith. It may be on Sunday's readings or about a Saint or particular special day. At the end of the assembly, we think about a message that we can carry with us through the week, so that what we have learnt about can be expressed in our lives. We then refer back to the message on Friday. Here are some examples:

Friday Celebration Assemblies

During our Friday Celebration Assemblies, we celebrate the children who have gone above and beyond at school and out of school.

  • We award a Headteacher's Sticker to three children in each class nominated by their teacher
  • We pick out a Golden Ticket in every class for politeness and good manners
  • We give out the Kindness Cup
  • We give the opportunity for children to show and talk about any medals or trophies they have received outside of school and these achievements are celebrated by the whole school
  • We present the Timestables Rockstar Trophy and announce next week's battle
  • We celebrate best attendance and punctuality
  • We announce the House Point winning house
  • We pray together and remind ourselves of the Monday Message
  • We finish the week with Feel Good Friday prepared by the children...

Feel Good Friday Photos

Kindness Cup. The cup is awarded to one child in each Key Stage who has shown kind heartedness. They are nominated by their teacher and receive the award from the headteacher who tells the school why they have been nominated. This is written in the newsletter for all to see
